Compulsory Purchase Order HS2 Update
April 15, 2015
On 10th January 2012 the Government announced their decision to proceed with their plans to build the first phase from London to Birmingham.
As a result of the consultation process carried out in 2011 a number of refinements have been made to the route. These changes will now result in around 22.5 miles of tunnel and 56.5 miles in cutting. Through the Chilterns AONB it is proposed only 1.5 miles of route will be visible. The Government envisages these changes will almost halve the number of dwellings at risk of having land taken and reduce by a third the number experiencing increased noise levels.
Next Steps
The Department of Transport propose to introduce a Bill to Parliament by the end of 2013. This will provide the necessary powers to construct and operate the Scheme.
It is also intended that a preliminary design of the route and Environmental Impact Assessment will be produced for consultation by Spring 2013.
In the intervening period a consultation will be held, in Spring 2012, on the land needed to build the route. The intention being to protect such land from future development. Another consultation is also intended to be held around the same time to help people who are close to and affected by the Scheme.
The Government is also proposing to implement additional compensation measures.