Land earmarked for new homes comes to market
July 14, 2022
Development Land Fronting Silsoe Road, Maulden
Land earmarked for the development of dozens of new homes in Bedfordshire is being brought to market by leading commercial property consultancy Kirkby Diamond.
The 11.15-acre site at Silsoe Road, Maulden, is expected to generate significant interest from a range of housebuilders, according to Andrew Wright, senior partner and head of land, planning and development.
The allocated site is being offered for sale subject to Outline Planning Permission for 49 new homes. It will include 30% affordable housing. The western part of the site does not form part of the allocation but is included in the sale as amenity land and for on-site surface water attenuation.
Andrew said: “This is an excellent opportunity for housebuilders to develop a community of 49 dwellings, including 15 affordable homes and five self-build properties, appropriate to local need.
“Maulden is considered to be a desirable and affluent village, helping the developer to achieve maximum sales values. We are therefore anticipating significant levels of interest from local and national housebuilders.”
Details of the planning application are available to download from the data room and also from the council’s planning portal under planning reference CB/21/05393/OUT. The site will be sold with the benefit of planning.
Situated to the south east of Maulden, in central Bedfordshire, the site is within walking distance of Maulden Primary School and has good connectivity to the A507, the A6 and the M1 J13. It is 10 miles from Bedford, while Milton Keynes is 17.8 miles away.
For more information please contact Andrew Wright, Nathan Andrews or Alex Jenden on 01908 678800, or view the property here:https://kirkbydiamond.co.uk/property/details/17679/Development-Land-Fronting-Silsoe-Road-Maulden-Land-Residential-Development-Sites-10-plots--
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