Rural Practice - Single Payment scheme

August 01, 2006

Date Of Article – Summer 2006

The single payment scheme was designed to replace various farming subsidies with a single payment in return for managing agricultural land in line with environmentally friendly practices. Each member state of the EU has developed its own system for implementing this new scheme and in England the Rural Payments Agency (PPA) has developed a transitional scheme known as the Dynamic Hybrid Model. The complexity of this system has meant that English farmers have been plagued by delays whilst those in Scotland and Wales were paid in full, several months ago.

Overwhelmed by the number of applications received for the scheme and hindered by changes to the Rural Land Register, the RPA are in disarray and under considerable pressure. Despite these difficulties, Kirkby and Diamond has successfully completed numerous 2005 applications, resulting in full payment for many applicants and continued pressure to settle outstanding claims as soon as possible. The failure of the RPA to process many of the 2005 applications has resulted in a variety of problems being carried forward into the 2006 applications. Problems include the quantity of Set Aside to be provided, entitlement ID and values, land parcels incorrectly mapped, or not mapped at all. Kirkby & Diamond has been closely following the detailed advice and guidance issued by the RPA and would be pleased to assist any landowner or occupier who is still experiencing problems.

It is now possible to transfer entitlements between farmers and Kirkby & Diamond have already completed a number of successful transfers. It is important to note that both parties have to be recognised as “farmers” by the RPA with occupation of the land in question being a key element of that definition. It is anticipated that the process of transferring entitlements will become more widespread as the scheme progresses.

For further information and advice, please contact Andrew Wright at our Milton Keynes office or visit the following link at:

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