The Importance of High-Quality Industrial Property Valuations

The commercial property sector is an incredibly competitive one, and if you’re looking to advertise your commercial property (whether to sell or lease) then it's critical that the valuation is done well.

The team carrying out industrial property valuations here at Kirkby Diamond, for instance, works closely with the Disposal department to ensure that clients are confident when selling their properties, and better able to deal with problems that may arise during that process.

Providing Clients With Confidence

Deciding to sell or lease an industrial property is a big decision and one that comes with many different factors to consider. These range from market trends to tax implications, and much more in between.

Our industrial property valuations team, however, can provide a thorough valuation report which can be used to both inform the client, and also allay any potential fears they might have about the disposal of their property.

Proactivity is Better than Reactivity

If a client hasn’t had an adequate valuation report conducted, then there’s every chance they’ll be blindsided by issues they hadn’t foreseen when it comes to the sale or lease of their property. They then have to firefight in a reactive manner. Often, though, because they’ve not been prepared for what’s hit them, the overall outcome is compromised.

If you take the time to have a comprehensive property valuation conducted, however, by a company whose valuation and disposal departments work seamlessly with one another, then issues that might affect the property’s sale can be addressed pre-disposal. The result of this more proactive approach is that sales are more likely to be completed.

What Influences Our Valuations?

Industrial property valuations are complex beasts, but there are several areas universal to each and every valuation. These include: either a market approach, a cost approach or a profit approach.

The valuations themselves usually adhere to RICS’ “Red Book” standards, which include steps such as: valuation instructions, establishing there’s no conflict of interest, initial inspection, analysis and the generation of the valuation report.

Valuations take into account everything from location to a building’s physical characteristics, plus much more besides.


Industrial property valuations enable clients to move forward with the sale or lease of their industrial property with more confidence, as well as helping to identify areas which might need to be addressed pre-sale.

Industrial Property Valuations