Sale of 420-home development site in Buckingham

October 19, 2022

Kirkby Diamond completed the multi-million pound sale of land earmarked for the development of 420 new homes in Buckingham.

National housebuilder Vistry has acquired the site at Osier Way for an undisclosed sum. Kirkby Diamond and land promoter Wates Developments represented the two owners of the 57.5-acre site located to the south-west of the desirable market town. 

development site

The site has been promoted for allocation for residential development in the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan under a land promotion agreement completed in 2016 and has been sold subject to outline planning consent for up to 420 dwellings. 

The primary objective under that agreement was to obtain planning permission that would provide for the delivery of a high quality urban extension to Buckingham that would bear the hallmarks of quality, sustainability and placemaking that would be recognized as exemplar for future developments.

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